Television is no longer confined to a box in the living room. Today, viewers expect to access their favorite shows, live events, and on-demand content anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
Agile Content’s Johan Bolin reflects on a busy spring, filled with more events than ever—from the EBU seminar in Geneva to the NAB Show in Las Vegas. What were the biggest trends and common threads?
6 keys to understanding the impact of 5G and how it’s revolutionizing the video industry Of all the emerging technologies that have benefited the video industry and OTT services in recent years, 5G connectivity has the potential to have one...
The TV market has experienced a rapid transformation over the last couple of years. In fact, all sectors experienced a change as the Internet widened the existing global market, altering how users behave and ultimately, replacing legacy technology stacks. For...
Streaming platforms continue to snap at the heels of traditional TV broadcasters. This time, targeting unmissable live sporting events – one of the last bastions of traditional broadcaster dominance. What does this mean for sports owners and leagues?